XENAX® Xvi 75V8s                    SERVO CONTROLLER


The XENAX® Xvi 75V8S is the further development of the current model XENAX® Xvi 75V8. The new model supports all previous functionalities of the Xvi 75V8. For new developments we recommend to use the Xvi 75V8S. WebMotion® is based on HTML5 (without JAVA).

With the XENAX® Xvi 75V8S it is possible to perform precise force measurement with our Signateq® measuring amplifier and an external force sensor. For further information about force measurement, please visit Forceteq® Force Measurement Technology.

New opportunities Xvi 75V8S

  Xvi 75V8 Xvi 75V8S
Webbased for WebMotion® Java HTML5
Measurement amplifier Signateq® for external force sensor, precise force measurement - Yes
Optimized output stage for minimum space requirement (waste heat), arrangement directly next to each other possible - Yes
Changeover when connecting third-party motors DIP-Switch automatically
Position detection prepared for absolute encoder - Yes
USB-Interface - Yes
RS-232-interface Yes optional
Pulse/direction Yes optional
Second encoder Yes optional
Case aluminium Chromium steel
Weight 515g 840g
Product-code 0x7508 0x7509




Specifications XENAX® Xvi 75V8S

Power supply voltage U: 12-75 VDC
Nominal current In: 0-8 A
Peak power Ip: 18 A
Motor types: LINAX®, ELAX® ROTAX® and Third party motors
Temperature monitoring power amplifier: shutdown at 80°C
Overvoltage monitoring: > 85 V
Undervoltage monitoring: < 10 V
PLC Input: 8 x 24 V
PLC Input BCD: 4 x 24 V, binary coded to Program selection
PLC Output: 8 x 24 V, Source 100 mA,
Sink 400 mA, Source/Sink

EtherCAT (CoE): DS402, Beckhoff®, OMRON®, TRIO®, MC
CANopen: DS402
EtherNet/IP: DS402, Allen-Bradley
Start-up Key: ID Number for Master Slave and Application memory

Force functions: enabled by default
SMU Safety Functions: STO Safe Torque Off, SS1 Safe Stop 1, SS2 Safe Stop 2, SLS Safely-Limited Speed
Bus modules: EtherCAT (CoE), POWERLINK (CoP), CANopen, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET (PROFIdrive)